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Frequently Asked Questions

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Showing (53) FAQs
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Can my business be audited?
If my business is now closed, do I need to file?
What if I fail to comply with the law?
Defining Personal Property Tax
How long do I have to apply for the credit voucher?
If I purchase a used car from a dealer or individual owner, am I responsible for the unpaid taxes of the previous owner?
If my car has not been driven for over a year because of mechanical problems, do I still have to pay ad valorem taxes?
How often are tax maps updated?
What is a tax map?
What is the “parcel identification number?”
Why do I have two parcel identification numbers, when I only own one piece of property?
Are there other fees or costs to my manufactured home registration?
How much is the registration on a manufactured home?
I did not receive a tangible personal property return form by mail. Where can I get one?
Can I file my personal property return electronically?
What are examples of the items I list on the return?
Most of my business equipment has been fully depreciated on my income tax return; do I still list these items on the personal property return?
How does the assessing official's office value my personal property?
What if I think that my personal property is exempt from tax?
Who do I contact regarding my appraised value?
When will I receive a tax bill to pay the ad valorem taxes on my business equipment?
I am over 65. Do I have to pay property taxes?
If I didn’t receive a tax statement, do I have to pay the taxes?
What is annual equalization?
What can I do if I do not agree with the value on my property?
What if I fail to timely file a personal property return?
Can I get a deed to the tax delinquent property if I pay the taxes?
I did not receive a business personal property return form by mail. Where can I get one?
Do I have the option to redeem my tax delinquent property?
Calculating Personal Property Tax
Filing Personal Property Taxes
Who is entitled to a credit voucher?
Am I entitled to a manufactured home exemption based on age?
Am I required to display the registration decal on my manufactured home?
When is my registration due on my manufactured home?
What is personal property?
Who is required to report personal property?
When should personal property be reported?
Am I required to fill out and return the personal property return form every year even though my equipment is the same as last year?
How can I be certain that I have complied with the law?
I already paid taxes on my business equipment when I purchased the items. Why am I being taxed again?
What payment methods are available?
Where can I find information about my property and how much tax I owe?
What is a homestead exemption?
What is a mill?
What is the timetable for property taxes?
What should I do if I add or remove improvements?
What should I do when I purchase property?
When are my property taxes due?
Will my taxes go up every year?
At what point will my tax delinquent property be “sold” for taxes?
Must I pay delinquent taxes if I did not own the property in delinquent years?
Where can I find a list of tax delinquent property?