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License Plates

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392 Plates
ImageTitleIssued ToMore Information
Standard Passenger

Private passenger automobiles, motorcycles, pickup trucks (not exceeding 12,000 pounds), motor homes of any weight.

Truck/Truck Tractor

Pickup trucks (not exceeding 12,000 pounds), trucks, and truck tractors.

Motor Home

Self-propelled camper or house cars, commonly known as motor homes, which are used primarily for mobile living quarters.


Trailers, other than manufactured homes, operated Alabama public highways.

Forest Products

Trucks and truck-tractors used to transport forest products from the point of severance to a sawmill, paper mill, or concentration yard.

Tow Truck

Motor vehicle wrecker / tow truck

Yard Truck

Truck-tractor commonly known as a terminal tractor, spotter truck, yard truck, yard jockey, or mule owned by a certified motor carrier and operated exclusively within 15 miles of the corporate limits of an incorporated municipality in which it is customarily domiciled.

Cotton Module

Motor vehicles constructed to transport only raw cotton from harvest to a cotton gin.


Pickup trucks and truck tractors, owned by farmers, used to transport farm products or the personal property of the farmer for use on their farm.


Motor vehicle (except taxicab) used on Alabama public highways to transport passengers paying fare or for hire (charter), or a motor bus owned by a church, private school, hospital, or other eleemosynary (charitable) institution, used only for the purposes of such institution.


Motor vehicle operated on Alabama public highways as a part of a taxicab system or similar system.

Mini-truck / LSV

Mini-trucks or Low Speed Vehicles (LSV).

Permanent Trailer

Truck trailers, tractor trailers, or semitrailers.


Motor vehicles as defined in the International Registration Plan (IRP).

Consular Official

Duly constituted and appointed consuls and honorary consuls of foreign countries who are officially stationed in Alabama.

The license plate may be displayed upon private passenger vehicles.

Vintage Vehicle

A private passenger automobile, truck or truck tractor which weighs not more than 26,000 pounds gross weight, motorcycle, or fire truck over 30 years old operated as a collector’s item, including participation in club activities, exhibitions, tours, parades, and not used for general transportation purposes a vehicle having the original or substantially similar vehicle body, chassis, engine, and transmission as designated for that make, model, year, and age vehicle.

FORT Fleet

Alabama residents who own at least 50 (fleet) motor vehicles to be registered.

Disability Access Parking
  • Persons with temporary disabilities may be issued a temporary placard valid for a period not to exceed six (6) months.
  • Persons with permanent disabilities who are owners of private passenger automobiles to include pickup trucks and recreational vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of 12,000 pounds or less may be issued one (1) blue disability access decal (per vehicle) to be adhered to the top left corner of the license plate and one (1) windshield placard (per person), or Two (2) windshield placards.
  • Organizations that transport individuals with a disability are only eligible to apply for a disability access license plate decal.
Disability Access Parking
  • Persons with temporary disabilities may be issued a temporary placard valid for a period not to exceed six (6) months.
  • Persons with permanent disabilities who are owners of private passenger automobiles to include pickup trucks and recreational vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of 12,000 pounds or less may be issued one (1) blue disability access decal (per vehicle) to be adhered to the top left corner of the license plate and one (1) windshield placard (per person), or two (2) windshield placards.
  • Organizations that transport individuals with a disability are only eligible to apply for a disability access license plate decal.
Disability Access Parking
  • Persons with temporary disabilities may be issued a temporary placard valid for a period not to exceed six (6) months.
  • Persons with permanent disabilities who are owners of private passenger automobiles to include pickup trucks and recreational vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of 12,000 pounds or less may be issued one (1) blue disability access decal (per vehicle) to be adhered to the top left corner of the license plate and one (1) windshield placard (per person), or two (2) windshield placards.
  • Organizations that transport individuals with a disability are only eligible to apply for a disability access license plate decal.
Alabama Audubon

private passenger automobiles, pickup trucks (up to 12,000), motorcycles, and pleasure motor vehicles (i.e., recreational vehicles)

Alabama Bicentennial

private passenger automobiles, pickup trucks (up to 12,000), motorcycles, and pleasure motor vehicles (i.e., recreational vehicles)

Alabama Cattlemen

private passenger automobiles, pickup trucks (up to 12,000), motorcycles, and pleasure motor vehicles (i.e., recreational vehicles)

Alabama Forests

private passenger automobiles, pickup trucks (up to 12,000), motorcycles, and pleasure motor vehicles (i.e., recreational vehicles)

Alabama Gold Star Family

An Alabama resident and vehicle owner who is a member of the immediate family of a person who has died while on active duty in any branch of the U.S. military.

Alabama Nurses Foundation

private passenger automobiles, pickup trucks (up to 12,000), motorcycles, and pleasure motor vehicles (i.e., recreational vehicles)

Alabama Space Tag

private passenger automobiles, pickup trucks (up to 12,000), motorcycles, and pleasure motor vehicles (i.e., recreational vehicles)

Alabama Treasure Forest Association

private passenger automobiles, pickup trucks (up to 12,000), motorcycles, and pleasure motor vehicles (i.e., recreational vehicles)

Albertville City Schools Foundation

private passenger automobiles, pickup trucks (up to 12,000), motorcycles, and pleasure motor vehicles (i.e., recreational vehicles)

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority

Private passenger automobiles, pickup trucks (up to 12,000 pounds), motorcycles, and pleasure motor vehicles (i.e., recreational vehicles)

Amateur Radio

Alabama residents who own private passenger automobiles, pickup trucks (up to 12,000 pounds), and pleasure motor vehicles (i.e., recreational vehicles) and have a valid amateur radio or citizen’s band radio license issued by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) or the Civil Air Patrol.

A Pink Breast Cancer Tag
  • Private passenger automobiles
  • Pickup trucks (up to 12,000 pounds)
  • Motorcycles
  • Pleasure motor vehicles (i.e., recreational vehicles)
Autism Acceptance

Private passenger automobiles, pickup trucks, motorcycles, pleasure motor vehicles (i.e., recreational vehicles)

Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum

private passenger automobiles, pickup trucks, motorcycles, pleasure motor vehicles (i.e., recreational vehicles)

Breast Cancer Research (UAB)
  • Private passenger automobiles
  • Pickup trucks
  • Motorcycles
  • Pleasure motor vehicles (i.e., recreational vehicles)
Save the Cahaba River

private passenger automobiles, pickup trucks, motorcycles, pleasure motor vehicles (i.e., recreational vehicles)

Choose Life/Support Adoption
  • Private passenger automobiles
  • Pickup trucks
  • Motorcycles
  • Pleasure motor vehicles (i.e., recreational vehicles)
Curing Childhood Cancer

private passenger automobiles, pickup trucks, motorcycles, pleasure motor vehicles (i.e., recreational vehicles)

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

private passenger automobiles, pickup trucks, motorcycles, pleasure motor vehicles (i.e., recreational vehicles)

Don’t Tread on Me

private passenger automobiles, pickup trucks, motorcycles, pleasure motor vehicles (i.e., recreational vehicles)

Ducks Unlimited

private passenger automobiles, pickup trucks, motorcycles, pleasure motor vehicles (i.e., recreational vehicles)

Educator/Retired Educator

Active – All residents of Alabama (or their spouses) who are currently employed by a public or private education school system, college, university, institution, or who are active and contributing members of an education retirement pension program, whether it is an in-state or out-of-state program may receive a distinctive Educator license plate to be displayed upon private passenger automobiles, pickup trucks, motorcycles, pleasure motor vehicles (i.e., recreational vehicles).

Retired – All residents of Alabama (or their spouses) who are receiving monthly retirement checks from an education retirement pension program from any state may receive a distinctive Educator license plate to be displayed upon private passenger automobiles, pickup trucks, motorcycles, pleasure motor vehicles (i.e., recreational vehicles).

Emergency Medical Services

an Alabama resident, verified as active, unexpired Emergency Medical Service Provider (EMSP) and an owner of either private passenger automobile(s), pickup truck(s), or motorcycle(s)


Private passenger automobiles, pickup trucks, motorcycles, pleasure motor vehicles (i.e., recreational vehicles)

Ag Tag (Farming Feeds)

Private passenger automobiles, pickup trucks, motorcycles, pleasure motor vehicles (i.e., recreational vehicles)

Fighting Cystic Fibrosis

Private passenger automobiles, pickup trucks, motorcycles, pleasure motor vehicles (i.e., recreational vehicles)


Alabama residents who are active or retired firefighters of a paid, part-paid or volunteer fire department or widows or widowers of firefighters who died in the line of duty and are vehicle owners of private passenger automobiles, pickup trucks, motorcycles, and pleasure motor vehicles (i.e., recreational vehicles) not exceeding 12,000 pounds gross vehicle weight may purchase license plates in this category.


Forever Wild

private passenger automobiles, pickup trucks, motorcycles, pleasure motor vehicles (i.e., recreational vehicles)

Fraternal Order of Police

Private passenger automobiles, pickup trucks, motorcycles, pleasure motor vehicles (i.e., recreational vehicles)


All residents of Alabama who are owners of private passenger automobiles, pickup trucks, motorcycles, pleasure motor vehicles (i.e., recreational vehicles) and supporters of the Freemasons may purchase license plates in this category.

