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When is the Alabama Business Privilege Tax return due?

With the exception of the Business Privilege return for Financial Institutions Groups, the Business Privilege tax return due date corresponds to the due date of the corresponding federal return.

For C-corporations with a calendar year or a fiscal year other than June 30, the Alabama business privilege tax return is due no later than three and a half months after the beginning of a taxpayer’s taxable year. Taxable year 2021 Form CPT would be due on April 15, 2021 for a calendar year C-corporation.

For C-corporations with a fiscal year of June 30, the Alabama business privilege tax return is due no later than two and a half months after the beginning of a taxpayer’s taxable year. Taxable year 2021 Form CPT would be due on September 15, 2021 for C-corporations with a fiscal year of June 30.

For Limited Liability Entities, the Alabama business privilege tax return is due no later than two and a half months after the beginning of the taxpayer’s taxable year. Taxable year 2021 Form PPT would be due on March 15, 2021 for a calendar year limited liability entity.

The due date for the Business Privilege Tax return for Financial Institution Groups corresponds to the due date for the Alabama Financial Institution Excise tax return. The return is due three and a half months after the beginning of the taxpayer’s taxable year or April 15, 2021.

With the exception of the Business Privilege return for Financial Institutions Groups, the Business Privilege tax return due date corresponds to the due date of the corresponding federal return.

For C-corporations with a calendar year or a fiscal year other than June 30, the Alabama business privilege tax return is due no later than three and a half months after the beginning of a taxpayer’s taxable year. Taxable year 2021 Form CPT would be due on April 15, 2021, for a calendar year C-corporation.

For C-corporations with a fiscal year of June 30, the Alabama business privilege tax return is due no later than two and a half months after the beginning of a taxpayer’s taxable year. Taxable year 2021 Form CPT would be due on September 15, 2021, for C-corporations with a fiscal year of June 30.

For Limited Liability Entities, the Alabama business privilege tax return is due no later than two and a half months after the beginning of the taxpayer’s taxable year. Taxable year 2021 Form PPT would be due on March 15, 2021, for a calendar year limited liability entity.

The due date for the Business Privilege Tax return for Financial Institution Groups corresponds to the due date for the Alabama Financial Institution Excise tax return.


Related FAQs in Business Privilege Tax

If you believe you received the delinquency notice in error and have filed the required return, please provide a copy of the return and proof of payment after consulting with your tax professional. Attach copies of the return and proof of payment to a copy of the business privilege tax delinquency notice and email to businessprivilege.tax@revenue.alabama.gov or mail the response to:

Alabama Department of Revenue
Income Tax Administration
Business Privilege Tax Section – Delinquency Notice Response
PO Box 327900
Montgomery, AL 36132-7900

Taxpayers must receive an (Online Filing Info) letter to sign up for MAT. Normally after they have registered their business with the Secretary of State, taxpayers will receive their letter within 4-6 weeks from the Alabama Department of Revenue. Once this letter is received, taxpayers need to visit our website https://myalabamataxes.alabama.gov/_/#1. In the left side of the screen you will see username, password, and logon. Beneath that you will see forgot password, forgot username, DON’T HAVE A LOG ON? REGISTER HERE. Taxpayers should click register here. Select: Business Privilege Tax. Then the taxpayer will need to provide the Account number, Sign On ID, and Access Code. This information is located on the (Online Filing Info) letter.

Where do I start?
Click the Home link to go to the summary page you see when you first sign in.
To edit a customer level address:
Click the Names and Addressestab from the customer springboard.
Find the Customer Names & Addresses
To edit an account level address:
Go to the Accounts tab and click the applicable account (i.e. Business Privilege Tax).
Click the Names and Addressestab from the account springboard.
Find the Account Names & Addresses
What do I do?
View an address
Click an address to view it.
Edit an address
Click the Edit
Update the address fields.
Click the Verify Address link to check that it is a valid address. This step is mandatory
Click the Select link next to the verified address (if applicable).
When finished, click the Submit button to submit the request.
A confirmation message appears. Click the Print Confirmation button to print the page, or click OK to continue.

Payment Options

My Alabama Taxes

Pay via Credit/Debit card or ACH online with MyAlabamaTaxes. Billing payments can be made at Pay Bill.

 By Phone

Taxpayer Assistance Group (TAG): To make a credit card payment by phone, please contact the Alabama Department of Revenue Taxpayer Assistance Group at 334-353-8096.

By Mail

Check or money orders may be mailed if the amount owed is less than $750. Attach voucher Form BPT-V and payment. Mail to:

Alabama Department of Revenue
Business Privilege Tax Section
P.O. Box 327320
Montgomery, AL 36132-7320

Go to our website, www.revenue.alabama.gov. Click on Forms. Enter Business Privilege into the Search box. Sort the forms by Year by clicking on the box “Year” to find the needed Form. Click on the needed Form. Instructions, Forms with calculations, Printable Forms, and our Voucher (BPT-V) are located here.