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  • How do I apply for a surety bond?

How do I apply for a surety bond?

The applicant(s) shall complete an electronic request for an Alabama certificate of title under surety bond (form MVT 10-1A) utilizing the department’s Surety Bond Portal. Upon approval of the request for a surety bond, the applicant(s) will be provided a Certificate of Title Surety Bond for a motor vehicle or manufactured home (form MVT 10-1), to be completed by the applicant(s) and the insurance company issuing the surety bond. Upon completion of the form MVT 10-1, the applicant(s) shall make application for certificate of title through a designated agent within ninety (90) days from the date the surety bond was executed.

Complete an electronic request for an Application for Title Surety Bond (form MVT 10-1A) in ALDOR’s Surety Bond Portal.

Upon approval of the request for a surety bond, you will be provided a Certificate of Title Surety Bond for a motor vehicle, manufactured home, or vessel (form MVT 10-1), to be completed by you and the insurance company issuing the surety bond.

Upon completion of the form MVT 10-1, apply for certificate of title through a designated agent within 90 days from the date the surety bond was executed.

Related FAQs in Surety Bond, Titles, Vessel Titles
If the Department is not satisfied as to the ownership of the vehicle or that there are no undisclosed security interests in it, the Department may, as a condition of issuing a certificate of title, require the applicant to file with the Department a cash or surety bond.

Complete an electronic request for an Application for Title Surety Bond (form MVT 10-1A) in ALDOR’s Surety Bond Portal.

Upon approval of the request for a surety bond, you will be provided a Certificate of Title Surety Bond for a motor vehicle, manufactured home, or vessel (form MVT 10-1), to be completed by you and the insurance company issuing the surety bond.

Upon completion of the form MVT 10-1, apply for certificate of title through a designated agent within 90 days from the date the surety bond was executed.